Tuesday 3 January 2012

Tom Jones is Black??

This might take a bit of getting your head round, but here we go (don't give up on me too early). Ever since I had a teenage altercation with a Chess Records compilation, I wanted to be black like my new heroes. This is not unusual behaviour in the blues community- Johnny Otis, although of Greek extraction considered himself black. Mainly due to all the time he spent with black artists and performers and being part of that community. If you go back to the 1960's all the Jewish blues guys like Mike Bloomfield really were striving to be like their black contemporaries and idols. However for a white kid from Hucknall it's pretty far fetch.

Knowing my luck I would probably end up like Steve Martin's character in The Jerk ( I also hold a delusional desire to work in a petrol station with Jackie Mason)

Well lets look at Tom Jones. Although there have been recent attempts to make him cool and contemporary (Let's not forget his various efforts in the 80's and 90's) many musicians knew how cool he was in the first place. Forget Delilah, Tom Jones has the voice and moves of a black man. Now if you don't believe me, this view is confirmed by none other than the Elders of The Israeli Church of Universal Practical Knowledge- a black Hebrew community. Yep they say Tom looks White but is actually black, they say no white man can sing and dance like that..

All the above was basically pre amble for the below link. It should be called Tom Jones blows away Crosby Stills Nash and Young. They all sound great, but check out Jones, a huge performance. It's also funny seeing Stephen Stills (who I really like) trying to keep up with him in the vocal department... Watch and decide for yourselves..

1 comment:

  1. Completely agree - all those duets he did from the "This is Tom Jones Show" should be put together on a DVD/Blueray or whatever (Janis Joplin, Joe Cocker etc etc) If only he'd come down to Colin's Jam one Wednesday
